Monday, 14 December, 2020

200 Googonian families booked a FREE photo session
After the success of the Googong Driveway Photos, we wanted to give some lucky Googonians another opportunity to capture some precious moments with their loved ones during this otherwise difficult year.
A month ago we installed a Giant Chair in our giant 19-home Display Village. We think the chair makes for a fun Instagram-worthy photo opportunity, so we invited the first 200 Googonians to have a FREE professional photo in the chair. All families received a high-resolution digital copy of the photos - free of charge - in exchange for the opportunity to publish the images on our social and owned media for the purposes of celebrating the Christmas season in Googong.
One of our locals, Wade Cramer Photography, took the photos and you can see that everyone had a great time and the photos are outstanding! Thanks Wade!
You can view the photos on our Googong_township Facebook and Instagram pages.
We host lots of events for our residents. So if you are new to the township and haven't got your details on our Residents Database (or if you haven't received your Googong welcome pack with a free picnic hamper and Welcome Book), then be sure to get in touch with our Community Manager, Samantha, via email at
The Giant Chair is a permanent feature in the little park on Courtney Street - it's in the middle of our Giant 19-home Display Village. So you are welcome to capture your own pic at the chair anytime.