Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Pram walk, talk, and exercise group
Join our free weekly walks, make some new friends, and enjoy exercising in the beautiful outdoors. All walks and exercises are led by a Personal Trainer from the Pure Will Fitness Studio with post-natal training qualifications. Duration is approximately one hour.
Walks will be accompanied by a NSW Child and Family Health Nurse (outside of Covid restriction periods which we are currently facing) who can assist with any questions and challenges faced by new parents.
All participants must complete a 6-week post natal medical check with their GP prior to commencing.
Simply turn up or call Louise on 0435 372 369 or email
Jerrabomberra Walks are 9.30am Tuesday's from the Jerrabomberra Community Centre, Jerrabomberra Pkwy.
Googong Walks are 9.30am Thursday's from Beltana Park, Googong NSW.
Supported by: The Surgery at Jerra, Pure Will Fitness Studio, Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra, Googong township, QPRC and NSW Heath.
Download an Information Flyer, here.