Friday, 19 May, 2017
The Canberra region's biggest new home display village opens Saturday 27 May 2017
Our new 15 home display village is putting on the finishing touches and will open on Saturday 27 May for the opening of Googong’s newest display village. This is the biggest new home display village in the ACT region, brimming with exciting design ideas for anyone planning a new home. Bring your family to visit the cheeky Googong neighbourhood and have fun exploring the first 15 of 20 new homes from leading builders. This is the perfect opportunity to find answers to all those questions you’ve been dying to ask!
With such a big variety of homes on display, there is a great choice for both the budget conscious, those looking for a luxury, high-end abode, and everyone in between.
It will be a fun day out for the kids too, with a big playground in the middle of the new Googong Display Village and live music and face painting from 11am to 2pm. If you get a bit peckish, take your gold coin donation and head to the community barbecues for a snag, thanks to the volunteer “Tong Masters” from the Jerrabomberra/Googong Rotary Club.
Pssst …be sure to pick up a flyer on the day to receive a free coffee and muffin at Club Googong!
WHERE: Follow the Display Village signs from Beltana Avenue Googong NSW.
WHEN: Opens 11am Saturday 27 May.